Автор — Константин Брилевский Медиаперсонаж, иллюстрация
Константин Брилевский – иллюстратор, автор медиапроекта и популярного стикерпака для
Вот что Константин говорит о своем проекте: Author: Konstantin Brilevsky
Media character, illustration
Konstantin Brilevsky is an illustrator and the author of a media project and a popular Telegram sticker pack ‘Free from Cares’. He made a special trip from Saint Petersburg in order to present stickers, prints, and T-shirts here. In addition, an exclusive happening is awaiting DOCA guests. During it, the author will draw on canvases.
Here is the comment by Konstantin about his project: “I draw illustrations about an orange sloth. What does my character teach people? To fail performing tasks on time, to avoid a heavy workload, to ignore an alarm clock, to put everything away for later, to be late for meetings or not show up there at all. The one who is Free from Cares can at any time give up university or job, or refuse an order, which should necessarily be taken on. Free from Cares is the one whom all we secretly dream to become. However, few people can do that because of “How will I earn for food?”, “What will my parents say?”, and “What future will I have then?”. |