Автор — Елена Слобцева Интерактивная инсталляция, анимация (видеоинсталляция)
Каково ваше послание? Возможно, не надо думать
Анимация (частично стоп-моушн и компьютерная) + пространство для интерактива со зрителями Author: Elena Slobtseva Interactive installation, animation (video installation) What is your message? Perhaps you don’t have to think about sense or how to express yourself. Perhaps automatic action leads to the most precise expression of meaning. Meanings transform into rhetoric and form. Bureaucratese fills in the gaps as a virus. Form of text collides with content and displaces it. The text are written in staples. It seems that staple makes a revolution by rejecting its primary function.
Animation (partially stop-motion and computer) + space for interactive with viewers with the help of volunteers. The viewers will create their messages on paper: abstract and real texts that will be hung on the wall or special big board. |
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